All financial contributions to Missing Children South Africa are tax deductible. If you have made a donation to MCSA and would like a Section 18A Tax Certificate, please have a look below for the specific requirements we would need in order to issue one, and then send this to
Section 18A Tax Certificate Requirements for an Individual:
- Full Name
- ID Number
- Registered Address
- Contact Number
- E-Mail Address
- SARS-PAYE Reference Number
- Is it a once-off Donation OR a certain period the Section 18A Tax Certificate is requested for?
- Proof of Payment/s
Section 18A Tax Certificate Requirements for a Business:
- Registered Business Name
- Registered Street Address
- Name of Contact Person
- Number of Contact Person
- E-Mail address of Contact Person
- Business Registration Number
- Business Income Tax Reference Number
- Is it a once-off Donation OR for a certain period the Section 18A Tax Certificate is requested for?
- Proof of Payment/s