How To Donate

Thank you for deciding to support Missing Children South Africa. Make a donation through any of the platforms or methods listed below. Your support assists us in bringing children home safely. Together we can make South Africa a safer place for all our children.

Donate With PayFast

Donate With SnapScan

Donate Online

Debit Orders

Click on the button below and fill in the form. We will be in touch.

Direct Deposits

Click on the button below to see our banking details.

YOCO Card Payment

You can now make a donation to Missing Children South Africa through our YOCO payment page. Securely enter your card details and enter the amount you’d like to give. We thank you for your support.

MTN Mobile Money (MoMo) App

You can now support the Missing Children South Africa using the MTN Mobile Money (MoMo) App. Download the App, and scan this QR code to donate directly to Missing Children South Africa. You do not need to be an MTN subscriber to make use of this App.
Click here to register for MoMo
You do not need to be an MTN subscriber to make use of this App.

Frequently Asked Questions

All financial contributions to Missing Children South Africa are tax deductible. If you have made a donation to MCSA and would like a Section 18A Tax Certificate, please have a look below for the specific requirements we would need in order to issue one, and then send this to

Section 18A Tax Certificate Requirements for an Individual:

  1. Full Name
  2. ID Number
  3. Registered Address
  4. Contact Number
  5. E-Mail Address
  6. SARS-PAYE Reference Number
  7. Is it a once-off Donation OR a certain period the Section 18A Tax Certificate is requested for?
  8. Proof of Payment/s

Section 18A Tax Certificate Requirements for a Business:

  1. Registered Business Name
  2. Registered Street Address
  3. Name of Contact Person
  4. Number of Contact Person
  5. E-Mail address of Contact Person
  6. Business Registration Number
  7. Business Income Tax Reference Number
  8. Is it a once-off Donation OR for a certain period the Section 18A Tax Certificate is requested for?
  9. Proof of Payment/s

Absolutely! We allow for donations through reputable and secure payment portals: Snapscan, Payfast and GivenGain. All of our donations platforms use secure internet connection protocols to protect your information and to guarantee the safety of your transactions.

As a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 067 095), all donations are utilised to ensure that we can continue our mission to make South Africa a safer place for all our children. Donations are also used to introduce and share our education programme; ‘Tips for Children’ and ‘Tips for Parents’ in major rural areas, to unlock value and potential, but more importantly to promote child safety. The education is also targeted to all the vulnerable and orphaned children, and children with disabilities. The education is also shared with parents, guardians and the families who take care of these children. The education focuses on not only the dangers, but also the solutions with regards to what to do to keep children safe, and especially what not do.

Any donation, no matter how big or small, helps us to continue to fulfill our mission to make South Africa a safer place for all our children. On the SnapScan, Payfast and GivenGain payment portals, you can select a once-off amount or preferably a recurring monthly amount that you would like to donate to Missing Children South Africa. All donations are much needed and deeply appreciated.